

Here you will find out about the history and background of the Teddy Troops.

First there are some making-of photos of the vinyl toys. Later you will also find a gallery of pictures of the original Flying Förtress graffiti and street logo that had become the Teddy Troop figure afterwards.



Making-Of Gallery:


Photos of the first prototypes of the Teddy Troop vinyl toys in 2002.


The Chrome Origin:


The Teddy Troops had been around in the streets for a while before they also turned into a 3D vinyl toy in 2004. First of all Flying Förtress started in 2002 to get up with his chrome Trooper icon. Trying to use an easier readable illustrative symbol instead of doing the classic coded graffiti letters and tags that he had been doing before since 1989. Here are just a bunch of them:


Sticker Tricker:


Together with the chrome pieces there have stickers  also been seen around in the streets since 2002.  Handpainted or silkscreend ones with a hand-drawn finish on "free" post stickers and  series of offset printed stickers.